Saturday, January 28, 2012

Child Development 0-1

Children need boundaries and rules in order to be happy.  They need schedules in order to function.  Start your new baby on a feeding schedule of feeding every 4 hours.  I have found this schedule to be the best to help me sleep during the night:  6:00, 10:00, 2:00, 6:00, 10:00 2:00. 

As a developmental therapist, I studied that there are certain times when typical children are developing.  Typical children may be a month or two off when it comes to crawling and walking.  They may be a few weeks off when it comes to rolling over or sitting up.  Physical therapists are now telling us that babies are kept in “seats” all day by parents or care givers.  The best place for your child to develop is the floor.  It is now called, “Tummy time”.  This is very important for your baby.  First of all, they need to discover the real world from their height.  They can see angles of tables, walls, pictures, windows, furniture etc.  They can discover shading and colors.  As they begin to roll over, and then crawl they discover textures and tastes.  

A baby can begin eating rice cereal as early as 4 months old, and then gradually the caregiver can begin to introduce other bland flavors of ground up fruits and vegetables.  Around the time that the baby turns one, they will have several teeth and may begin to add textures and small bites. From 10 months to 14 months a typical child begins to walk.  Soon after, their language begins.  It is important for caregivers/parents to provide a rich vocabulary at this time for their child. 

Our Whale Unit

In Preschool, we are studying whales.  There are over 200 species of whales. Whales are mammals.   There are two kinds, Baleen and not Baleen.  Baleen whales are the smaller kind, which have comblike “teeth”.   The bigger whales have teeth.  The Blue Whale is the largest fish in the ocean and also the largest on earth.

Some things we are eating during our unit are whale crackers, fish crackers, gummy fish and gummy worms.  We love to tell our parents that we eat worms!  Jordan took Payton outside to dig for worms.  They found two.  Payton had never seen a worm before.

On Thursday, Payton and Ava and I played with the balloons, blew bubbles, danced with instruments, played with play dough, cars and toys.  We watched Barney.  Ava and Payton danced.  Payton blew bubbles while Ava tried to catch them.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Welcome to the Busy Bee Club!

We are busy as bees working and creating.  We teach your children throughout the day.

Miss Mary graduated from BSU with a Bachelor of Arts degree and is certified to teach in Idaho ages K-8.  She has taught Special Ed. preschool in Eagle, for the Meridian School district and in Caldwell and has taught Special Education in Mountain Home. She worked as a Developmental Therapist, for the State of Idaho and was a parent advocate for Health and Welfare.  She has also worked as a IBI (Intensive Behavior Interventionist) for a company in Boise.  She has also taught kindergarten, First and Second, Music, and Special Education.  She specializes in ages 0-5 and loves to help children develop through their own stages.

If you are looking for a good teacher for your child and you are a stay at home parent, join us on Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 - 11:30.  I am currently charging "recession rates" down from $125.00 a month to $100.00 a month

Daycare is Monday through Friday.  We are currently taking children ages 0-5.  We are licensed with the City of Boise and have all current credentials: CPR, First Aid etc.